Golden Era V2.0 - Myostatin Related Muscle Hypertrophy (Morphic)
A potent field for bodybuilding purposes utilizing new fielding techniques. It suppresses the myostatin gene while working to directly reduce myostatin especially in the muscles.
This two pronged approach with regards to Myostatin gives it an edge over other myostatin related audios. Myostatin when lowered, goes a long way in building muscle and burning fat.
Strong push for high protein synthesis and high nitrogen retention in the muscles. Also, it works to significantly enhance nutrient partitioning making nutrient absorption more effective and efficient for muscle building purposes. Other benefits include conversion of fat cells that surround muscle - into muscle stem cells. Direct stimulation of these muscle stem cells takes place as well with this field.
Furthermore Insulin sensitivity in muscles is enhanced. This will help with more glycogen absorption in muscles while at the same time ensuring that carbs are utilized in a way that makes it nearly impossibly to gain fat.
Start with 5 minutes per session